We did it! This seminar led us to many mold-sickened people in Ga. and Carolina. Dr. Andrew Campbell, Iris and Tlee saw victims, indoor air people, realtors and others show great concern over mold/mycotoxins. With over 80 people present, Dr. Campbell shared insight to a national health crisis! Many lose health, homes and careers due to mold-contamination. School children, Veterans, Katrina victims, the public - Sickbuildings can make you very sick. There was such a big response we will begin Mold Support Group Meeting in the near future, so we can help one another. There's also some other major breakthroughs in the works which may help anyone be able to get tested and treated for mold illness.
We give God and the power of prayer all the credit.
Iris, Tlee and KimWe appreciate local sponsors for the amphitheater and thank mold victim, Kimberly Moody for helping us. We were honored to speak about toxic mold along with
Dr. Campbell on some wonderful talkshows. We'll keep you updated to time and place for next meetings. God bless you all. By coming together we can beat this! Thanks for prayers and support...